I always struggling to get things going. I'm not an initiator. Be it academically, professionally, or even in the context of my interpersonal relationships. For assignments, I generally follow a generic prompt. I wait for others to make plans to socialize instead of making them myself. And when it comes to creative writing, I have to force myself to do things or else contribute to what other people have already started.
I don't really know how people get the inspiration to begin creating something from nothing, because I've always been more of a contributor, a kind of accelerator; the catalyst or exponential momentum that takes an idea and runs with it. I suppose time will tell whether I'm able to eventually find the means to matterlessly create rather than creatively embellish or otherwise expand, but for now I'll just pick up the ideas as they come externally. I guess in a way that's all any of us really do. No matter how independent or unique or anticonformist any of us strive or claim to be, we are all constructs of the society into which we were thrown. Every idea we've ever had, every word we've spoken, and every action we've initiated has had its roots in something somebody else has already done. Sometimes it's mimicry, sometimes it's expansion, sometimes it's a direct contradiction in one form or another, but it's always a result of what already exists.
So don't accuse me of being unoriginal. Feel free to accuse me of incoherently wandering from one topic to another though.
i like how you pointed out about how we think were being original. keyword: THINK
ReplyDeleteYou're incoherently wandering from one topic to another.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you somewhat; I used to be in your position. I was always best at using what someone else did, and innovating based on/building upon what they did. However, recently I have been more inspired to create what seem to be unique works. And I wrote for a recent writing prompt, creating my own topic instead of doing one that was suggested.
ReplyDeleteCool> I like the name of your blog. I think I am the initiator, well maybe I'd like to be, but I'm not heard as much as I'd like to be. But anyway interesting, cool start.
ReplyDeleteI'm the same, man.
ReplyDeleteBut wow, you have guts. I'm looking foward to more. :)
I can never get anything going either. I just procrastinate the hell out of it and then am all like "damn I should've done that today" =/
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way about my blog. Don't worry about it man. If people don't want to read what you write, they don't have to, but I know I'll be coming here.